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Hay Book Arts Trail –
31 March to 1 May 2017
Featuring artists from the
Marches Book Arts Group and friends

The idea started small - to exhibit a few book art works in up to 10 shop windows in Hay-on-Wye, spurred by Hay's 40th anniversary of independence on 1st April 2017. As both shop owners and artists embraced the idea – the project grew beyond our wildest expectations and the Hay Book Arts Trail went on to include more than 25 exhibiting locations with as many artists, many producing new work for the Trail.

The Hay Book Arts Trail celebrated the unique nature of Hay-on-Wye as a quirky book town, and showcased the wide scope of creativity that comes under the umbrella term 'book arts', from tiny handmade illustrated book structures through to creations bordering on the sculptural and beyond.

We involved a local craft group and participation of children from Hay County Primary School meant colourful displays in the Castle kitchen window and Library. We were delighted to share our work with the public while being part of Hay’s independent spirit.


Hay Book Arts Trail organiser and curator - Ellie Garraway

Promotional materials designed by Emily England Designs

Funding received from Hay Cheese Market

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